Photos the color of PURPLE

Walked around the yard last evening with my camera.  The color of purple is just jumping at us right now.

Wisteria vine and “shrub” are just fabulous.  The shrub is my hubby’s project.  He keeps it trimmed so it doesn’t go everywhere.  The vine is on our shelter house.  I hung an old hammock for it to climb on and it has now reaching out on the old dog run as well.

The Lilac bush is at peak.

The purple of the grape hyacinths, and the violets, and the carpet of creeping phlox completes the purple presence.

The aroma therapy that is going on with all of this is just amazing.  That is why I also had to include the apple tree in full bloom as well.  It’s not purple, but just shouts out sweet aroma.

I put some tease photos on Twitter last evening.  Those were taken on my phone and nothing done with them.  These photos were taken on the big girl camera.  Not all of these will make the website either.  This is more of a sharing the colors and I so wish you could smell this post.  Enjoy  till next time…

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